Visiting The Joint Forces Training Base in Los Alamitos, California |
Our team was on the road in the community over the weekend visiting Joint Forces Training Base in Los Alamitos as we observed a number of the artifacts on display on the military history of California. We also hereby note the following correspondence from the 1940's:
We took comfort in the visits although the challenges of our World epitomized by the Corona Virus as our team was assessing the Corona Virus. Our Major Focus has been on Iran and the latest released by the Iranian Opposition Activists, Dr. Mohsen Sazegara, was absolutely horrifying. What is clear is that all of Iran is infected as Iranian Parliament Deputies have been speaking out against the incompetence and outright lies of the Government--his comments are in Farsi. In the meantime, there have been grassroots efforts to be supportive of the people of Iran as noted by this effort below:
One of the key developments we also assessed this week was the resurrection of Joe Biden. Although mixing up his Sister and Wife and forgetting Barack Obama's name was making the Social Media Headlines, he continued to make headway as the Democratic Nomination for President became a two-person race--and as Donald Trump Jr. challenged Hunter Biden to a Debate and as Senate Republicans wanted to resurrect the Burisma investigation, he raised over 20 Million Dollars and Mike Bloomberg committed his entire infrastructure to support Joe Biden. The Financial Times of London also reflected upon this during the week that was:
Our team also found the analysis by The noted Conservative Commentator Erick Erickson especially of interest that we hereby note as follows:
As we also went to press, Europe and Asia woke up to a carnage in equities markets which presented the challenge the European Central Bank and other central bankers have to contend with:
We had also been assessing what CityLab had reported on the state of local preparedness in the United States underscored by the following as Test Kits continue to be a challenge--a number of States had declared States of Emergency to deal with the raging epidemic:
There are now at least 100 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the U.S., with New York, the most populous city in the country, reporting its first case on Sunday. Both Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo had days earlier called the arrival the virus “inevitable,” and the city is one of several that have been planning for an uptick of cases.
In New York, hospitals designated 1,200 beds for treatment of Covid-19 patients, while city officials are weighing options to limit or stagger public transit ridership. In Texas, weeks before the state confirmed its first case, Tarrant County had established a "war room" in a downtown Fort Worth building so officials could gather for daily conference calls. And in California, San Francisco and a handful of counties have declared public health emergencies to free up funding.
But having a plan doesn't necessarily means being prepared, cautions John Barry, leading historian of the 1918 Spanish flu, which was dubbed the "Mother of all pandemics.” "The problem isn’t the plan,” Barry said in a conversation with me this morning. Some of the most important factors are out of cities’ hands. ”How many hospital beds do you have, specifically ICU beds?" he says, warning that hospitals may be overwhelmed as the number of cases spike. Barry also points to the supply chain disruption in China, which will make nurses and doctors vulnerable. "The surgical gloves, the hypodermic needles, the surgical gowns," he adds. "Nobody stockpiles that stuff." New York, for example, has obtained 1.5 million face masks for its health workers, and needs 300,000 more. The U.S. is currently facing a shortage amid a surge in public demand.
All the while, delays and missteps—including the slow distribution of reliable test kits by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention —have already limited local communities' ability to detect and contain the spread of the virus. In Washington state, the virus may have been spreading, undetected, for six weeks. And as health experts brace for an increase of cases in coming days, King County officials are looking to buy a motel to isolate potential patients.
-Linda Poon
We wanted to close out this weekly with this potential good news courtesy the team at Abundance Insider:
Bern scientists claim coronavirus breakthrough.

Why it’s important: Coronavirus has killed 3,465 people since its initial outbreak, mostly in mainland China. COVID-19’s scope now surpasses 92,000 cases globally, and infection has spread to more than 70 countries and territories. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported Tuesday that the global mortality rate of the virus stands at around 3.4%. As health implications abound, Coronavirus’s economic impacts are already reverberating rapidly. Stock market volatility—in part due to uncertainty surrounding supply chain disruptions caused by sickness, travel restrictions, and quarantines—is but one reflection of the virus’s second-degree consequences. Researchers are working with urgency to delay the spread of disease, and the above COVID-19 clones could quickly supply labs internationally with essential materials to test their solutions.
We will be assessing all matters throughout the week--our Twitter Corner will have daily updates and our live Broadcast POD featuring SkyNews will be available on Demand as we leave all with the following Thoughts: