It was election day this past Tuesday in America and there was some interesting developments with a harbinger of developments to be forthcoming as 2020 looms. Wednesday, though, saw a celebration at the White House on the occasion of confirming over 158 Federal Judges over the course of the Trump Administration. Meanwhile, on the impeachment front, Public Testimonies will be commencing as transcripts are being released.

We leave you with a snapshot of election results courtesy of the Team at CityLab:
Nov 06, 2019
What We’re Following
Ballot box: It’s the day after America’s off-year election, and some of the results are in. Here’s a rundown of some of the key outcomes so far:
- Pete Buttigieg’s hand-picked successor, James Mueller, won the election for mayor of South Bend, signaling a continuation of Buttigieg’s legacy. (Vox)
- Danica Roem, who campaigned on traffic congestion improvements that haven’t yet come to fruition, won re-election in Virginia’s 13th district. (Daily Beast)
- Meanwhile, Democrats flipped the Virginia state legislature for the first time in more than two decades. (PBS NewsHour)
- Washington voters seem poised to restrict the price of “car tab” taxes, leaving cities scrambling for transportation funding. (Seattle Times)
- Jersey City voted to restrict home-sharing, delivering a loss to Airbnb, which spent $4.2 million campaigning against the regulation. (Bloomberg)
- Denver will likely get a separate department of transportation for the first time, in a move designed to emphasize the city’s increased investment. (Denverite)
- New York City approved ranked-choice voting, the biggest U.S. city to adopt the reform. (Vox)
- Kansas City voters decided to remove Martin Luther King Jr.’s name from a recently rechristened boulevard. (NBC News)
- Democrats won control of Delaware County, a suburban county outside Philadelphia that Republicans have controlled since before the Civil War. (Philadelphia Inquirer)