It has been quite a week. Protests continued in Iraq, Lebanon and Chile. Elections began in the UK that would as consequential as ever with the future of the unity of the United Kingdom at Stake. Iran continued its' withdrawal process from the 2015 Nuclear Agreement as a pivotal International Institute for Strategic Studies found its' position to be strengthened through the proxy wars it has waged. Turkey, in the meantime, continues its' onslaught in Syria and the Turkish President noted yesterday that Turkey will not leave until others leave. There was also the latest in a series of reports noting how our Mother Earth is facing a climate calamity like never before. This is as the Impeachment Inquiry in the US House of Representatives continued with the release of transcripts and the on-going defense by the US House GOP--with the speculation over Michael Bloomberg and his impending Entry into the US Democratic Primary--earning an nickname from President Trump : "Little Michael". This is also as the historic decision is coming down in India by the Supreme Court of India in the Ayodhya Case. The Entire Political and Faith Leadership in India has been in unison in calling for calm no matter what the decision is--and Security for Supreme Court Justices has been increased in anticipation of the Verdict.
What we captured from our daily assessment was telling:
It is also Remembrance Day and Veterans Day whereby those who served are remembered. We salute all who have served and remember all who have paid the ultimate price as we will be going dark throughout Veterans Day and Remembrance Day.