Saturday, July 30, 2016

Working away w/Thoughts For the W-End.....

I ran across this series of thoughts courtesy of +Jonathan Huie  which I found to be so timely as I also supported The Daily Outsider W-End Beat with updates over the Twitter Channel.    It is so disturbing to see the level of anger out there right now.    I am glad that I was allowed to feature this in my own "Virtual Space":

An angry man opens his mouth and shuts his eyes.
- Cato

We cannot learn from one another until we stop shouting at one another -
until we speak quietly enough so that our words can
be heard as well as our voices.
- Richard M. Nixon

When angry, count to ten before you speak.
If very angry, count to one hundred.
- Thomas Jefferson

Anger is often more hurtful than the injury that caused it.
- English Proverb

What I also found so timely was this I saw on my inbox from Pope St. John Paul XXIII which all of us need to remember--I know it was quite a reminder for me with some of the on-going challenges:

“Consult not your fears
but your hopes and your dreams.
Think not about your frustrations,
but about your unfulfilled potential.
Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in,
but with what it is still possible for you to do.”

~  Pope John XXIII
Pope John XXIII 

As I finish these thoughts, I wanted to wish all the very best of the W-End s as a new month is before us.
