Friday, March 13, 2020

Notations the Grid (Special Friday Edition): On the #COVD-19 (#CORONAVIRUS) Watch

All levels of Government, NGO's and Faith-Based Organizations have been stepping up to fight the Corona Virus.   We have noted the following sampling for reference beginning with our hometown, Laguna Niguel as what the Politco noted late last night on the "Great American Shutdown" that we hereby note for reference below: 

POLITICO Nightly: Coronavirus Special Edition
THE WORLD'S LEADING ECONOMY is executing an unprecedented, emergency transformation of public life. In a single day, the MLB, NHL and MLS joined the NBA in suspending professional sports. The NCAA canceled March Madness and Little League put games on hold. Disneyland and Disney World are closing. Churches, concerts, theaters, parades, parks, zoos and museums are meeting the fate of conferences and conventions. School districts are joining universities to suspend teaching or shutter buildings. Businesses large and small from coast to coast are devising and implementing, on the fly, once-unimaginable plans to turn their workspaces into ghost towns.
America is shutting down to save itself.
After witnessing a fumbling federal government response for weeks, the nation's leaders at every other level are lurching into extreme action to halt the explosion of the novel coronavirus.
How the crisis ends is straightforward: Flatten the curve, by letting health authorities — among the few officials with credibility in this moment — take extreme action. End the panic, by keeping everyone sequestered. And quickly cushion the economy, by providing government support to offset the most sudden, far-reaching shock to hit a wide range of industries and workers. All of this will be necessary; none of it will be easy.
A DAY AFTER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP delivered a rare Oval Office address to calm the public, investors assumed they're getting none of that and rendered a swift verdict: The stock market took its worst plunge since 1987's "Black Monday" crash, tumbling 10 percent in one day, despite emergency Fed action. And then it kept falling after hours.
Here's what to watch on Friday:
 Market meltdown. Another day like today will easily erase the last of the stock market gains posted since Donald Trump's inauguration in January 2017. Wall Street's most popular gauge of panic, the VIX, closed just above 75 — striking distance from the all-time high around 80 reached in 2008.
 Non-bailout bailout. Trump aides are rushing to design an emergency rescue for struggling industries.
— Where are the tests? The nation's top disease doc, Tony Fauci, admitted that the U.S. coronavirus-testing system is "failing" to deliver. The White House will have to change that to flatten the coronavirus curve.
— Deal or no deal. Trump's aides and Democratic lawmakers were talking into Thursday night — that's a good sign. Not a good sign: Republican lawmakers aren't on board. (It's like the fall of 2008 revisited.) An announcement could come early Friday.
 State of emergency. The Trump administration is moving toward a declaration under the Stafford Act that will deliver tens of billions of dollars in federal funding.
 Emergency in the states. Maryland and Ohio are shutting down their schools. (Belgium is shutting down schools, bars and restaurants.)
This time it's actual contagion — not just financial contagion — everyone's worried about. Take a spin through the biggest stories below and listen to the latest coronavirus episodes of POLITICO Dispatch, a new podcast from POLITICO's newsroom.


Update on the Coronavirus and Impact on Program Delivery

March 12, 2020

Officials at the California Department of Public Health announced new recommendations late Wednesday night to curtail the spread of COVID-19: large gatherings should be postponed or canceled across the state until at least the end of March.

The Orange County Council, including all of our properties, continues to monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation. Based on this new information, the Council will enforce the following guidelines effective immediately:

  • Council and District activities of 250 or more will be postponed and rescheduled for dates after March 31st. This includes District Camporees scheduled in March and programs at our four properties including Newport Sea Base and Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center.
  • Smaller events can proceed only if organizers can implement social distancing of 6 feet per person. If the social distance cannot be accommodated, meetings/activities must be postponed or cancelled. The use of conference calls is highly recommended. Advisers to District and Council meetings will contact their committees with instructions for meetings scheduled this month.
  • Roundtables will continue for March 12. Social Distancing will be enforced, and we strongly request any individual who feels sick to not attend.
  • Gatherings of individuals who are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 should be limited to no more than 10 people while also following social distancing guidelines.
  • Some charter partners and unit meeting locations have blocked access to their facilities for the time being. Please contact your location to verify access and timeline. The information from the State recommends limiting access until March 31st. Should your unit be blocked, we recommend that families continue to use their handbooks at home to continue the program and update their leaders on their progress.

Click here to view the guideline from the California Department of Health.

The Orange County Council is committed to providing a safe environment for our members and will continue to update you as information becomes available.


Fatwa on Congregations and COVID-19

Read More

We Shall Overcome!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Notations On Our World (Special Edition): Re #CoronaVirus

Over the past day or so,  local people In Iran have begun grassroots efforts to begin local committees to contend with the raging Corona Virus as the regime is absolutely incapable of dealing with it--including producing masks and helping all in the process-this clip from Mohsen Sazegara (in Farsi) provides an update as he paints a very dire picture of the reality at hand as the Virus will continue to rise:

This is as President Trump spoke during a White House Oval Office Address that had quite a feedback over Social Media--our Team captured a sampling of it:

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Notations On Our World (Special Edition): On #Coronavirus Update

As we went to press, the World Health Organization has declared the CoronaVirus #COVID19 a Pandemic--We present this from the WHO instagram as we also wanted to share some key simple reminders to do all one can to stay safe--this guidance will be available daily thru the Week-End daily on each of our platforms: