Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Brief Mid-Week Thoughts On #Outsiders & Other Thoughts....

It has been another busy day throughout #Outsiders and the decision was made to work on releasing a number of pressing notations in development due to the on-going key developments that was going on. I had coined the term, "Virtually breathless' and I don't mind noting it here. The last 24 hours also saw a President of the United States driven to tears as he reflected upon the kids of Sandy Hook and announced a number of measures to deal with the surging Gun Violence. Our team released a notation with the statement by the President and the reaction by the Conservative community.

As the team was busy,  I was away from the network as I was on my personal twitter feed and personal facebook feed sharing comments and thoughts on it. It is a developing story that is bound to continue. An Oregon Federal Wildlife Refugee continues to be occupied by a Militia--and I made it a point of asking some of the leading Presidential Candidates over Twitter whether this would be tolerated--it was a rhetorical question The team will be stepping away to continue on-going research as the "twice a day" social media curation on our watch series will continue and the Daily Update published for us under my name for the network by @Paper-iL will also be available. 

I hope all enjoy this very interesting interaction with Nobel Laureates done earlier today on India's NDTV that is one of our daily network we consult daily: