Saturday, September 10, 2016

On This #911Day Week-End.....

September 11th National Day of Service and Rememberance flag graphic.

This was a day that changed all of us in America forever.   I remember that day as if it was yesterday.    As I was reflecting upon this day today, I view what the President Noted in his weekly address today eloquently captured it:

These 3-minutes capture the essence of America and the challenges of the past 15 years.   This was as  I saw a report out of New York earlier about the strong comeback in Lower Manhattan--one true example of the resiliency of that American Spirit that I am witness to everyday in my Community Work.

The team at +911Day has done a marevlous job over the years in elevating that level of community spirit that I envision  @ The Daily Outsider  to contribute to.    One very crucial message I was so gratiifed to see was how one does not need to wait until the National Day of Remembrance to make a difference.     My own week will be filled with a number of on-going community engagements which I look forward to commenting during my "weekly" here in my Virtual Space.

As I finish off these brief thoughts, I want to simply echo what President Obama noted:  May the soul of the fallen on that horrible day RIP, continue to grant their families the Solace to remember and all who are fighting on the frontlines in distant places and all the first responders here who put their lives on the line all the time.     The struggle against darkness is never ending as I just saw reporting that 13 people lost their lives in an attack in Baghdad at a Shopping Mall.  

This terrific article by politico captured it all:

This is as Mr. Flesicher released his original notes:

 I made it a point of commending him over Twitter as I continue to note how we can, shall and will overcome!!!
