Monday, September 10, 2018

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On @BarackObama Watch

Former President Obama broke his silence on Friday as he also visited the long-time bastion of conservatives in our own Orange County, California  to stump for Democrats-two districts being competitive (45th ((Mimi Walters)) & 48th ((Dana Rohrbacher)): 

Here is the speech in Full: 

Notations On Our World (Weekly Edition): On the W-End Prowl on the US Political Scene with @BenSasse, @ChuckTodd & Other Thougths

As we went to press, the Trump Administration was on a full court press with appearances by Vice President Pence and others to dispute the the New York Times Op-Ed Piece on the realities in the Administration with the President calling it "Treason" and asking the Justice Department to investigate it.   The appearance by the President's Counselor, Kelly Anne Conway, was classic on Meet the Press.   This is as the Confirmation for Brett Kavanaugah seems to be a foregone conclusion in spite of the attempts by the Democrats to confront the soon-to-be Justice Kavanaugh about his views of the ceding of Executive Authority to the Executive Branch.   Nikki Haley came out with a rebuttal to the Anonymous Op-Ed claiming she "challenges" the President Directly--even though the results in our view seems to be minimal at best.   The consensus was this:  Nothing new was learnt here  on the reality at hand not withstanding the spin.    One of the questions that Katy Tur of NBC News asked during was this:  If President Trump was to in fact fire anyone named in the book "Fear", who would replace him--the consensus was there were going to be very minimal people who were willing to take on the job in the aftermath of the book, FEAR, as Bob Woodward began his round of interviews.

In the meantime, though, there is a sense of profound challenges that the United States has to deal with.    The Administration's Decision to cut funding to Palestinians includes cuts to East Jerusalem hospitals which threatens their operations--on top of the decision to zero out funding to the United Nations Refugees & Workers Agency.   This is also as the US Ambassador to Israel came out saying that Israel does not have to ask US Permission to build in the West Bank.  It prompted this from one of the leading thinkers on US Policy, Aaron David Miller:

In our View, Senator Ben Sasse captured the challenges presented that we hope we can be supportive off to help change the conversation:

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Notations From the Grid (W-End Edition): On the Week That Was w/ @realDonaldTrump

In the aftermath of the New York Times Op-Ed, here is a sampling of the aftermath which began with another broadside from Obama's Photographer, Pete Souza and continued from Thursday Night From Friday Morning as the White House Pushback began in earnest: