Monday, February 29, 2016

On The eve of March: Thoughts on @realDonaldTrump; #Iran & #Hope

It has been a very interesting and challenging month.      As I write this,  I can't help but agree with Joe Scarborough about the depressing weekend on the political scene. I could not believe the GOP Debate (and I only watched very small excerpts).   The David Dukes controversy has also persisted  as   Donald Trump first disavowed David Dukes before saying he did not know who David Dukes is. Some of the pundits noted that Trump was tired--but rejecting the KKK should not be a big deal.   What is unfortunate is that there is zero substance to what he has to offer--I am yet to see anything beyond "Making America Great again".    

As I have been working to "wind down" this leap month, I made it a point of sending Joe Scarborough  a thank you for taking down David Duke.   The new South reflects the true realities of an integrated society.    Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are trying to stay in it--but the odds are becoming increasingly    Super Tuesday tomorrow is going to be quite a day though as alOur team did some good work on Iran this week assessing the on-going election and the aftermath.  The team just released an updated tweet on the Twitter Channel as the World awaits the results.   I could not agree more that although the governing reformist faction gained, the Iranian State Institutions continue to be under the control of the so-called conservatives with the ultimate power residing in the person of the Supreme Leader.      Whether this is sustainable remains to be seen in terms of reforms.    

It should be quite a March as we will be bidding farewell to this leap year.      I popped into Twitter and ran across this which I wanted to end my brief personal thoughts as we begin March:

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Working Away With Some Brief Thoughts For the weekend......

As the team finished off the on-going daily curation work, I thought I end my day "On the Grid" with this from the team @ John Maxwell--the message is powerful and profound for all--it is ultimately about the art of the possible!!

I wish all a fabulous weekend!!

Today's word is ADVERSITY

Thanks for joining me.
How are you handling adversity? How are you sharing your gifts, and inspiring others? No matter what your life brings you, or how difficult your life is… you can create beauty and music, even from adversity.

I encourage you to pass these on to others, and together we can intentionally enrich the world.



Minute with Maxwell

Friday, February 19, 2016

Working Away While On the Road w/thoughts on Music, Leadership & Harper Lee

I have been on the road on my bi-weekly Community Commitment at St. Timothy's Catholic Church.   I had the pleasure to join friends earlier today as our Parish's Facilities Manager was nice enough to give us a tour of the Construction and the Pantry that I have the privilege to serve in.

As I hope all enjoyed the team's selection of this week's Artist of the week on the network, there was one very perceptive Daily Fortune Powersheet from Geoff Colvin (available by clicking here).   The team has featured his columns periodically here in #Outsiders and I share it with my students all the time.    As America decides and the World watches, lessons in leadership is ever so crucial.    This excerpt particularly caught my eye:

When the world’s opinion of an organization’s future changes so sharply, how should a leader respond? The basic advice is simple: Show, don’t tell. You can insist that your company is just as strong as it was in December, but it’s all a big shrug. What else would you say? Effective leaders let their actions speak. The prime example of the past six weeks is JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon spending $25 million of his own money to buy company stock, which is down 20%. The stock bumped up slightly on the news, but more important is that employees, customers, suppliers, and other constituents got the message that Dimon is genuinely confident.

While on the road and on my personal twitter feed, I saw reporting on the passing away of Harper Lee, the author of to Kill a Mockingbird.    I wanted to send a special shout out to the team at +The Guardian as they put together this which I released earlier--such souls truly never die--they endure


For a change, the team was "taking it easy" today as they were nice enough to release a Good Turn I did earlier this morning.    It will be an interesting week-end of analysis though as the team's on-going assessment of our World continues.
