Sunday, June 18, 2017

Notations On Our World (Special W-End Edition): On this #FathersDay 2017

Our team decided to choose two very interesting pieces to share in line with our mission to help change the conversation about our World on this Fathers' Day W-End throughout our Properties.  The First one is from one of the leading leadership experts in the World on being a Dad which we have decided to feature in full:

5 Leadership Lessons From Being a Dad

by Randy Conley
Being a dad has been, and continues to be, one of the greatest joys of my life. I've experienced tremendous highs, suffered through some lows, doubted myself, learned much, and have been stretched to grow in ways I couldn't have imagined when I first started this journey twenty-five years ago. The same could be said for my journey as a leader!
As I reflect on the lessons that have taught me to be a better father, I realize that many of the same principles apply to being a trusted and successful leader. Here are five leadership lessons I've learned from being a dad:
  1. There's no substitute for time — I've learned that "quality" time is just a convenient rationalization to justify our busyness and to ease our guilt from not spending "quantity" time with our kids. The "quality" happens in those unexpected moments during the "quantity." Being a leader requires spending large amounts of time with your people and not isolating yourself in your own little world. Devote yourself to investing in the growth and development of your people and you'll reap the rewards.
  2. Set clear expectations — Part of being a good dad is setting clear expectations for his kids. They should know what's expected in terms of their behavior and attitudes, and what the consequences will be (either positive or negative) for meeting or not meeting those expectations. Your people at work need the same clear expectations regarding their performance. They need clear targets with identifiable rewards or consequences. It's not fair to judge your people (or kids) for their actions if they weren't clear on the goal in the first place.
  3. Be the example — Being a dad means setting the right example for his kids and the same is true in being a leader. Your attitudes, the tone of voice you use in speaking to others, your work ethic, and the way you treat people are just a few of the ways you will influence your people. Just as a child will observe and often imitate every move of his dad, your people are always taking their cue from the actions of their leader. Make sure you're leading well!
  4. Have fun — It's easy to get bogged down in all the stress and anxiety that comes with being a dad, but I've learned to have fun and enjoy the journey as much as possible. Leaders need to remember to take work seriously, but not take themselves too seriously. Laugh at yourself, keep the mood light, and don't be afraid to have fun with your staff. When the stressful times come, your people will be more willing to put in the extra effort that's necessary.
  5. Validate them — One of the primary roles of a father is to validate his children. A father's approval imparts a tremendous amount of psychological and emotional confidence in a child that empowers him to grow in confidence and faith in his own abilities. Your staff needs your approval as well. When your people know that you accept them, desire the best for them, and will do whatever you can to help them succeed, you will have their loyalty and commitment in following your lead.
Leading and managing adults at work is obviously not the same as parenting children, although some days it can certainly feel that way! However, the principles one uses to be a successful father (or mother) can be equally beneficial for success as a leader. Just like being a father, the key is being consistent in your approach and having the best interests of your people in mind.
By no means are these five principles a definitive list. I'm curious to know what lessons you've learned from being a parent that apply to leadership. Feel free to share your thoughts by leaving a comment. Happy Father's Day!
We also thought this message from the US Speaker of the House was also great which we hope all enjoy as on behalf of all of us here at the Daily Outsider we say, Happy Fathers' Day:

How Becoming a Father Changed My Life
My life changed the day I became a father. Liza, Charlie, and Samchanged my focus in life from career to family—they are my highest priority.
Now, as my kids enter their teens, I'm learning that you've got to find hobbies that keep you engrained with them. Whether it's riding bikes, hunting, or just hanging out around a bonfire, spending time with your kids is just the most peaceful, loving, beautiful feeling that a dad can have.
For all the dads, this is the most important job we will ever have. I hope you have a very happy Father's Day.
What I'm Learning As a Father

Happy Fathers' Day to all!!

Friday, June 16, 2017

View of the Week (Special Friday Edition): Remembering #JoCox as we join #MoreInCommon

It has been one year since Jo Cox, the Member of Parliament in the UK was brutally murdered.   The Great Get Together has been organized throughout the United Kingdom to remember this courageous 41-year Old brutally taken down as she was serving her constituents.   We here at the Daily Outsider join in this celebration in all our properties  as we remind all that as Citizens of the World have truly more in Common and found the expressions of support so gratifying as we are pleased to see that her spirit and her vision will live on as we have the pleasure to share her maiden speech in the House of Commons: 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Notations on Our World (Special Thursday Edition): A Brief "Virtual Walkabout" On our World....

We are pleased to report that the Congressional Baseball Game took place that is an annual tradition in Washington that began in 1909. One of the injured Capitol Hill Police Officers threw out the first pitch on Crutches: 

The Democrats won--and it had a special meaning in light of the shootings at the practice field that left Congressman Steve Scalise fighting for his life--and the Democrats gave the trophy to Congressman Scalise. .

What has been of concern is how some have taken this to again make it a right and left issue.  On the same day of Congressman Scalise' shooting and in the aftermath of the beautiful speech by House Speaker Paul Ryan, Mr. Gingrich noted how the "intensity on the left is real".     It has also been quite on the so-called right especially with the rhetoric from President Trump especially during the campaign.   Congressman King of Iowa went as far as blaming Barack Obama for the shootings that occured yesterday.    What CNN deemed as the "Truce" ended with this reaction by the House Democratic Leader, Nancy Pelosi:

"I think that the comments made by my Republican colleagues are outrageous, beneath the dignity of the job that they hold, beneath the dignity of the respect that we would like Congress to command. How dare they say such thing? How dare they? Well I won't even go into the whole thing. I can't even begin, probably as we sit here, they're running caricatures of me in Georgia once again, earned over a hundred million dollars of vitriolic things that they say, that resulted in calls to my home constantly, threats in front of my grandchildren. Really, predicated on their comments and their paid ads. So this sick individual does something despicable and it was horrible what he did, hateful. But for them to all of a sudden be sanctimonious as if, they don't, never seen such a thing before. And I don't even want to go into the President of the United States. But in terms of some of the language that he has used."

This is as we are seeing reports of the President being supposedly a subject of being investigation by the Special Counsel and (with the take from Seth Myers) new reporting about this President's Son-In-Law being investigated.    The President went on a Twitter Rant this morning.   This is also as the Vice president has also retained Counsel as well related to the Russia Probe.   The Special Counsel's investigation is taking on some very challenging turns for the President and his Administration.     The Administration, though, is continuing its' agenda to unravel Obama Era Rules--including their efforts to repeal "Obamacare".    Trevor Noah had something to say about it earlier tonight.-it was interesting that he celebrated it and then later on he said that the bill was "mean".  

 It must be noted that this includes the creation of a task force inside the CIA to facilitate regime change in Iran which was confirmed by the US Secretary of State.   The US Senate also passed sanctions against Iran and Russia as well.      The Iranian Foreign Minister reacted over Twitter in response to comments by Secretary Tillerson on wanting to work with element for peaceful regime change in Iran:

In the meantime, the diplomatic inferno in the Middle East is burning ever more.   Qatar continues to be under blockade.  Despite President Trump's public admonishments, The United States just concluded a deal to sell billions of arms to Qatar--and the US Navy sent ships for a naval exercise. Iran has stepped in with shipments of food This is as our team was also on the prowl assessing the aftermath of the horrific fortnight in London and the Fire.    Sky News (one of our featured Media Partners) have been providing non-stop coverage as they have announced the missing from the Tower.     The people were extremely angry and took out their anger on the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, as he walked the Community to meet with Community Leaders and victims.     On top of the terrorist attack and the current instability in the political space, the UK has had a series of shocks.     It was interesting that Sinn Fein went to 10 Downing Street to express reservations about their concerns about Northern Ireland:

It was interesting how Jerry Adams was quite dismissive of the British Government and how they underscored their desire to join the Republic of Ireland--and that they would not take their seats in the House of Commons.    In the midst of such agony, though, how London came together to take care of its' own was so gratifying to be witness to as we end this with images of the missing in the London Fire:

Gloria Trevisan and Marco Gottardi

Brikte is from Eritrea, pictured here with her son Bruck who is also missing

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Notations On Our World (Weekly Edition): On @POTUS watch

It has been a challenging 24 hours in our World with the fire in London and the shootings in Virginia. We are pleased to report on this courtesy of the team at NBC News' Today Program on the US First Lady and Barron Trump moving into the White House. We wish the Entire First Family all the best as they become part of history-and our team as part of its' daily social media curation released the full Today story on Presidential Children which was quite cute: 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Monday, June 12, 2017

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On #GE17; @realDonaldTrump & Other Thoughts.....

As our team continues onward,  please enjoy this snapshot courtesy of the team at Global Citizen on the Week that was in our World as we are witness to a political revolution in France (& the headline in France24 was telling): 

On the first day Macron created a party, on the second a one-party state

, political chaos in the UK  and profound challenging times in Washington as President Trump had an interesting cabinet meeting (that someone deemed Pyongyang on the Potomac), The Attorney General is slated to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee Tomorrow (as Congress is busy rolling back the Obama Era) and Ivanka Trump defends her Father --and as the World continues to be transformational as noted below...

An interesting week ahead.....

The Global Citizen Guide to Education
June 12, 2017, Newsletter
Global Citizen Stories
7 Ways President Macron Is a True Global Citizen
The new French president is kind of a Global Citizen champion. Here’s how he’s already stood up for women and girls, the environment, and minorities during his first month in office.
Leo Is Saving This Porpoise Like the Hero He Is
There are only about 30 vaquita porpoises left in the world – and now Leonardo DiCaprio is working with the Mexican government to save them from extinction.
Nadia Murad Makes an Emotional Return Home
Murad, a Yazidi activist, returned to her home in Iraq for the first time since she was captured and enslaved by ISIS in 2014.
She Was Fired After Getting Her Period
When this model got her period on the job, she was refused a bathroom break. Then, her employer ordered her to leave because of her “period situation.”
These 17 Athletes Are Shattering Gender Stereotypes
From fencing and basketball to swimming and tennis, these female athletes are totally #winning – and inspiring young women how to play like a girl.
18 Powerful Photos From Around the World This Week
The internet collectively lost its mind when Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau had a dinner date, then again when James Comey testified. Here’s what else caught our eyes this week.
Muslim Man Gives Hugs After Manchester Attack
In the wake of last month’s terror attack, this man performed a social experiment by giving free hugs to strangers – and trusting them enough to do it blindfolded.
We Support Women’s Health – Always
If you do too, help us call on world leaders to make the health of women and girls a global priority at this year’s G20 summit in Hamburg.