Monday, January 7, 2019

Notations On Our World (Weekly Edition): Out & About in Our World

2019 has begun in earnest as 2018 was book-ended to the history books.  It will be quite a year especially as we achieved a number of milestones and as we continue to be on the prowl.

The issue of climate change was front and center--underscored by this very insightful and interesting interview that NBC's Chuck Todd had with Michael Bloomberg about what can be possible in light of what the Trump Administration Did when it withdrew from Paris:

What we are also quite excited to be witness to is to see alternatives developing.   Such alternatives include companies like Arcadia Power.    Our Founder shared this he received on what Arcadia Power had in fact done throughout 2018--The impact on the White House caught our eye in a "bigly" way: 

It’s been a long year of climate reports and wildfires. We could all use a little pick me up, and we’ve got just that.

This year, prices for clean energy reached record lows.

You helped directly contribute to this in 2018 by supporting the production of...
Arcadia Power members produced 362,283,853 kWh of wind energy. Which is enough wind energy to power the White House for 400 years
Saving the weight of 570,000 polar bears in CO2
Which is like nearly doubling the size of Grand Mesa National Forest for a year
Share your impact

Click here to share your personal impact stats with friends and family. Because sometimes all we need is a little encouragement from those around us.

America was also witness to a change in power in Washington as the Democrats Took Power.   The US Government continued to be shut down and some of the discourse our team captured throughout our assessment on Twitter underscored the extend of the profound challenges facing the United States and the World in 2019:

As this drama goes on, our team has also been assessing the situation in the MIddle East in light of the US Withdrawal from Syria and the expected ascendancy of Iran and continued ascendancy of Russia.     One late breaking development we have been assessing is the changes in leadership and the recent tragedy at the Azad University which led to the death of 10 University Students.    The Head of the Expediency Council, Hashemi Shahroudi, died and the Head of the Judiciary, Sadegh Larijani, was appointed in his place.    Larijani, as such, holds two key posts--The Expeidency Council is in effect acting as a Senate--but in an appointed capacity.     We also have seen reports that Hashemi was assassinated on the orders of the Supreme Leader, Khameini, as he opposed the appointment of Larijani as The Expediency Council Head.   Our team will be releasing a Notation on it later on this week on it.    This is as we went to press, protests continued throughout Iran:

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Notations On Our World (Special New Year Edition): As #2019 is Before Us....

On behalf of our entire team, Happy New Year!!!

The last two weeks of December 2018 was quite a tumultuous one that saw the resignation of the Secretary of Defense over President Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria along with  the US Government shut down over the President's request for a Border wall.  This was also quite a couple of weeks as Saudi Arabia went thru a major Cabinet Reshuffle, Arab Countries reopened Embassies in Syria and Iran released a budget that has cut Education as it has increased spending on the Revolutionary Guards while also apparently underwriting Russian Military Expenses in Syria as we wanted to share this from the Institute of Policy Studies:

As the second year of the Trump presidency staggers to a close, the federal government is on the verge of shutting down.
Trump’s campaign promise to get Mexico to foot the bill for a border wall failed, and now he’s trying to squeeze $5 billion from Congress to pay for it. Congress isn’t biting, and Trump isn’t budging. The deadline for an agreement is midnight tonight.
At Truthout, Lindsay Koshgarian has the latest on the wall, the spending package, and the likelihood of a resolution.
The shutdown threat also comes in the closing days of Paul Ryan’s leadership of the House.
At Inside Sources, Negin Owliaei exposes how Speaker Ryan made a career of being a puppet for the rich while pretending to be fiscally responsible. And while the list of villainous acts perpetrated by Ryan is long, he perhaps saved his worst for last — with a sneaky provision to extend the war in Yemen in this year’s Farm Bill, writes Peter Certo.
On the environmental front, Basav Sen reveals in In These Times why the Trump administration continues to attack the science behind climate change. Hint: follow the money. And Sam Pizzigati argues it’s no coincidence the world’s most unequal countries are also the biggest climate change deniers.
Meanwhile, Phyllis Bennis joins Democracy Now! to address Trump’s recent announcement that U.S. troops will be removed from Syria. Manuel Perez-Rocha urges newly elected Mexican President Adres Manuel Lopez Obrador not to ratify NAFTA 2.0 without consulting the Mexican people. And Bob Lord challenges conventional wisdom about technology replacing human labor.
Finally, in the New York Times, Sarah Anderson tells a family story about the holidays to reflect on the importance of keeping the Postal Service public. Happy holidays from all of us at IPS.
The Postal Worker’s Christmas
"My grandfather was part of a long tradition of postal workers who sacrificed Christmas Eve with their families to deliver holiday packages." -- Sarah Anderson
Read Our Featured Story →
Our Latest Work
Will the Government Shut Down Over Trump’s $5 Billion Border Wall?
Recent reports indicate that the president may back down, but no deal has yet been reached. Read more...
Innovation Used to Benefit Workers. Can It Again?
Machines can make jobs better, but a tiny class of bosses uses them to make jobs disappear. It doesn't have to be this way. Read more...
IPS Action: Online & In The Streets
Senators Sneak in Amendment to Make Israel Boycott Illegal
Phyllis Bennis joins Real News Network to discuss new suppression of the Boycott Divestment & Sanctions movement.See the Video...
Action Alert
January 19, 2019, the Women's March will flood the streets of Washington, D.C., and cities across the globe. The #WomensWave is coming. More info here.
Paul Ryan Was a Villain and No One Will Miss Him
The outgoing House speaker’s entire career was a cash grab for billionaires, capped off by a low trick to literally starve children. Read more...
Paul Ryan’s Legacy Only About the Wealthy
When he wasn't masquerading as an advocate for poor people, he was slashing their social programs to give tax breaks to the rich. Read more...
What We're Reading This Week

Trump’s War On Science Is Worse Than the Inquisition
The White House’s crude deflections on science aren’t simply ignorant — they’re calculated to serve the fossil fuel industry at the entire planet’s expense. Read more...
Can an Unequal Earth Beat Climate Change?
Some 250 million years ago, life on Earth survived an existential climate crisis. But that Earth had a distinct advantage. No rich. Read more...

Our team decided to begin the new year with Secretary  Mattis' Resignation Letter.   President Trump moved up his final day as Defense Secretary to today:

###Trump's Criminal Justice Reform Act Is a Meaningless Smoke Screen (Pt 1/3): Congress's Criminal Justice Reform Act boosts privatization, fails to dismantle mass incarceration, nor does it implement sentencing reform. We speak to Eddie Conway and Natasha Pratt Harris about the proposed reform