Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Notations On Our World (Special Wednesday Edition): On @POTUS Watch

As we went to press, we were continuing to assess the aftermath of President Trump's Oval Office Speech--this is as the shutdown continues--and we captured just two examples of the on-going impact over the past 24 hours above.

As we were on the prowl today, our team picked up a tweet from the President in the aftermath of his Oval Office Speech which was not received well (with the exception of the News Personalities at Fox News):

This was prompted by Ian Bremmer in the aftermath of the President noting that he would be withholding FEMA money from California--We released this in support of the call by Speaker Pelosi within the past hour:

We also picked up this matter-of-fact letter from the Airline Pilots Association which was dated January 2 and reported by Inc. on the ramifications of the shutdown--we have noted the original letter here for reference

 Update:   This from David Frum as we also are assessing the situation in Sudan along with Brexit and as the Secretary of State is making the rounds in the Middle East:

Notations From the Grid (Special Wednesday Edition): On the #TrumpAddress, Emergency Powers & Remembering President Reagan

President Trump spoke last night as the US Government continues to be shut down and the Democratic Leaders responded.     There has been discussions on the President's Emergency Powers as the debate continues.    Stephen Colbert provided a brief preview of what was expected during the speech:  

  Our team will be assessing the President's Emergency Powers as we also understand there are currently 51 Active Presidential Emergency Declarations--one of the oldest being the declaration by President Jimmy Carter over the Iran Hostage Crisis.    The Emergency Powers of the President are ill-defined.

As we went to press, We understand that there is another meeting scheduled for 3 PM EST at the White House.   As we note both speeches, our team chose this from President Reagan as the 30th anniversary of his farewell address approaches: