Thursday, March 24, 2016

Working Away w/Thoughts on #leadership, #Belgium & #giving.....

It has been admittedly a challenging week  as our World was once again was witness to violence.   The Belgian Prime Minister called it a black day for Belgium--it was a black day for the whole World.   While on the "Grid" this morning, I saw this which I also posted on my own Facebook wall that underscores what we must all do:

It is a simple call--but was a call that Francois Hollande so eloquently noted when he spoke in Paris as France and the World remembered    It is ever so true now.    The team only decided on one formal release in the Education Channel as it also finished the daily Twitter Curation to have a day to reflect. I eagerly await what the artist of the week is as the Friday Musical Interlude looms.

It was with a point of pride as I was witness to my Community, Laguna Niguel, honoring Belgium which I featured as a Good Turn for the team--and once again appreciate of the team having featured it on the #Outsider Twitter Channel: 


As I worked away supporting the #outsider properties,  this from the Fortune's Alan Murray crossed my desk which was quite disturbing--excerpts of it are noted below:  

March 24, 2016
Fortune's annual list of the World's Greatest Leaders is out this morning, and you can read it here. You'll see it includes none of the current candidates for President. That's not an accident. The U.S. political system is broken, and we see little reason to think the current contenders can fix it.
Start with Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. It's stunning that, well into the 21st century, the two candidates generating the most enthusiasm are throwbacks to the 20th. One is channeling a fascist strongman, the other running as a self-styled socialist. Neither has the vision or skills to take us into the future, but both have tapped into the public's deep dissatisfaction with the recent past. The failures of government since the financial crisis have handed supporters of these candidates their strongest talking point: Could it get any worse?
Hillary Clinton talks about building bridges instead of walls and built a record of bipartisan cooperation in her post-First Lady life as a senator and secretary of state. But by mimicking her primary opponent - and opposing the trade agreement she once championed - she has alienated even those business leaders who once supported her. Then there's Ted Cruz, who celebrates, even as he exacerbates, Washington's dysfunction.
The good news is that Fortune's search for great leaders was not in vain. Even in Washington, we found some—including House Speaker Paul Ryan and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. While unyielding in their competing worldviews, they each have that key quality of empathy essential for today's challenges. From the business world, we've included Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, who recognizes that the current political climate also demands a different kind of business leadership.
Top of the list? Amazon's Jeff Bezos. His company got pummeled in a New York Times story last year depicting Amazon as a sort of high-tech sweat-shop, where the pressure caused workers to break down at their desks in tears. But leadership comes in various flavors, and the Bezos strain is yielding world-changing results.
Also today, Dov Seidman, CEO of LRN, has a worthy suggestion for how Hillary Clinton could remake herself a real leader. Read it here.  

It is a tragic testament as the two leading Presidential Candidates did not make the list--although Justice Ginsburg and Speaker Ryan were very interesting choices.



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